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About Us: Portfolio
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Lorna Leslie, a licensed evangelist within P.A.W. Inc., is the visionary and founder of the network who was called to the ministry of intercession at a very young age. Throughout her journey, she has seen God's response to effectual fervent prayer and wholeheartedly believes that effective prayer requires shameless persistence. Lorna Leslie is a former council president of the PAW European Council of Nations (ECN) West and now serves as the council's Prayer General. She also currently heads the Intercessory Prayer team at Faith Chapel Ministries, London.​Lorna Leslie firmly believes prayer should be the foundation of every ministry. Fulfilling the mandate that we should pray for all men is her passion along with teaching others that prayer is simply having a conversation with God, our Father and Friend.


The network was launched in March 2015 with a prayer breakfast attended by 33 delgates. The founder was uncertain of the number of attendees during the planning and was expecting approximately 20. It was an amazing event with God showing up and responding to our worship. 

Since then we have had numerous events events such as yearly retreats, conferences, virtual shut-ins, prayer picnics,  and online collaborations with other prayer ministries.


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Our Vision

Our vision is to empower and mobilize an army of intercessors to stand in the gap for our cities and nations and to cover the whole earth with prayer thus subduing the enemy and bringing the glory of God to every continent.

Our Mission

Our mission is to network and collaborate with other prayer networks, ministries, and initiatives across the globe to equip intercessors and pray-ers with the tools needed to transform their cities and nations through prayer 

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